ROS1Visualizer 에서 ROS 관련 내용을 처리. _app 변수로 VioManager 클래스를 사용하고 있어 여기서 State 나 필요한 함수들을 받아옴.
void ROS1Visualizer::setup_subscribers(std::shared_ptr<ov_core::YamlParser> parser) { // We need a valid parser assert(parser != nullptr); // Create imu subscriber (handle legacy ros param info) std::string topic_imu; _nh->param<std::string>("topic_imu", topic_imu, "/imu0"); parser->parse_external("relative_config_imu", "imu0", "rostopic", topic_imu); sub_imu = _nh->subscribe(topic_imu, 1000, &ROS1Visualizer::callback_inertial, this); // Logic for sync stereo subscriber // if (_app->get_params().state_options.num_cameras == 2) { // Read in the topics std::string cam_topic0, cam_topic1; _nh->param<std::string>("topic_camera" + std::to_string(0), cam_topic0, "/cam" + std::to_string(0) + "/image_raw"); _nh->param<std::string>("topic_camera" + std::to_string(1), cam_topic1, "/cam" + std::to_string(1) + "/image_raw"); parser->parse_external("relative_config_imucam", "cam" + std::to_string(0), "rostopic", cam_topic0); parser->parse_external("relative_config_imucam", "cam" + std::to_string(1), "rostopic", cam_topic1); // Create sync filter (they have unique pointers internally, so we have to use move logic here...) auto image_sub0 = std::make_shared<message_filters::Subscriber<sensor_msgs::Image>>(*_nh, cam_topic0, 1); auto image_sub1 = std::make_shared<message_filters::Subscriber<sensor_msgs::Image>>(*_nh, cam_topic1, 1); auto sync = std::make_shared<message_filters::Synchronizer<sync_pol>>(sync_pol(10), *image_sub0, *image_sub1); sync->registerCallback(boost::bind(&ROS1Visualizer::callback_stereo, this, _1, _2, 0, 1)); // Append to our vector of subscribers sync_cam.push_back(sync); sync_subs_cam.push_back(image_sub0); sync_subs_cam.push_back(image_sub1); } else { // Now we should add any non-stereo callbacks here for (int i = 0; i < _app->get_params().state_options.num_cameras; i++) { // read in the topic std::string cam_topic; _nh->param<std::string>("topic_camera" + std::to_string(i), cam_topic, "/cam" + std::to_string(i) + "/image_raw"); parser->parse_external("relative_config_imucam", "cam" + std::to_string(i), "rostopic", cam_topic); // create subscriber subs_cam.push_back(_nh->subscribe<sensor_msgs::Image>(cam_topic, 10, boost::bind(&ROS1Visualizer::callback_monocular, this, _1, i))); } }}
여기서 callback_inertial 에서 IMU 토픽 전달
callback_stereo 와 callback_monocular 로 카메라 토픽 전달
void ROS1Visualizer::callback_inertial(const sensor_msgs::Imu::ConstPtr &msg) { // convert into correct format ov_core::ImuData message; message.timestamp = msg->header.stamp.toSec(); message.wm << msg->angular_velocity.x, msg->angular_velocity.y, msg->angular_velocity.z; << msg->linear_acceleration.x, msg->linear_acceleration.y, msg->linear_acceleration.z; // send it to our VIO system _app->feed_measurement_imu(message); visualize_odometry(message.timestamp); // If the processing queue is currently active / running just return so we can keep getting measurements // Otherwise create a second thread to do our update in an async manor // The visualization of the state, images, and features will be synchronous with the update! if (thread_update_running) return; thread_update_running = true; std::thread thread([&] { // Lock on the queue (prevents new images from appending) std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(camera_queue_mtx); // Count how many unique image streams std::map<int, bool> unique_cam_ids; for (const auto &cam_msg : camera_queue) { unique_cam_ids[] = true; } // If we do not have enough unique cameras then we need to wait // We should wait till we have one of each camera to ensure we propagate in the correct order auto params = _app->get_params(); size_t num_unique_cameras = (params.state_options.num_cameras == 2) ? 1 : params.state_options.num_cameras; if (unique_cam_ids.size() == num_unique_cameras) { // Loop through our queue and see if we are able to process any of our camera measurements // We are able to process if we have at least one IMU measurement greater than the camera time double timestamp_imu_inC = message.timestamp - _app->get_state()->_calib_dt_CAMtoIMU->value()(0); while (!camera_queue.empty() && < timestamp_imu_inC) { double update_dt = 100.0 * (timestamp_imu_inC -; _app->feed_measurement_camera(; visualize(); camera_queue.pop_front(); } } thread_update_running = false; }); // If we are single threaded, then run single threaded // Otherwise detach this thread so it runs in the background! if (!_app->get_params().use_multi_threading_subs) { thread.join(); } else { thread.detach(); }}
Unique camera stream 의 의미가 무엇인지?
to ensure we propagate in the correct order
어쨌든 unique camera 일치하면 _app->feed_measurement_camera(; 해주고서 필요한 모든 것들 visualize()
카메라 토픽 콜백함수인 callback_monocular, callback_stereo 에서 들어온 이미지들이 채워지면 나머지 처리 가능.
여기서 timestamp 가지고 image drop 처리하는 거
camera_queue 를 sort 하는 이유는? 서로 다른 카메라에서 들어온 정보들을 처리하는 것인지?
void ROS1Visualizer::visualize() { // Return if we have already visualized if (last_visualization_timestamp == _app->get_state()->_timestamp && _app->initialized()) return; last_visualization_timestamp = _app->get_state()->_timestamp; // Start timing // boost::posix_time::ptime rT0_1, rT0_2; // rT0_1 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time(); // publish current image (only if not multi-threaded) if (!_app->get_params().use_multi_threading_pubs) publish_images(); // Return if we have not inited if (!_app->initialized()) return; // Save the start time of this dataset if (!start_time_set) { rT1 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time(); start_time_set = true; } // publish state publish_state(); // publish points publish_features(); // Publish gt if we have it publish_groundtruth(); // Publish keyframe information publish_loopclosure_information(); // Save total state if (save_total_state) { ROSVisualizerHelper::sim_save_total_state_to_file(_app->get_state(), _sim, of_state_est, of_state_std, of_state_gt); }}
외부에서 받아온 IMU, 카메라 토픽들을 내부 Struct 로 담아서 전달해주는 함수들은 아래와 같음. (_app->feed_<SOMETHING>())
반대로 받아올 때는 _app->get_<SOMETHING>() 형식
// convert into correct format ov_core::ImuData message; message.timestamp = msg->header.stamp.toSec(); message.wm << msg->angular_velocity.x, msg->angular_velocity.y, msg->angular_velocity.z; << msg->linear_acceleration.x, msg->linear_acceleration.y, msg->linear_acceleration.z; // send it to our VIO system _app->feed_measurement_imu(message);
앞서 VioManager 클래스 생성자에서 본 알고리즘 수행을 위한 다른 클래스들을 생성함.
// Let's make a feature extractor // NOTE: after we initialize we will increase the total number of feature tracks // NOTE: we will split the total number of features over all cameras uniformly int init_max_features = std::floor((double)params.init_options.init_max_features / (double)params.state_options.num_cameras); if (params.use_klt) { trackFEATS = std::shared_ptr<TrackBase>(new TrackKLT(state->_cam_intrinsics_cameras, init_max_features, state->_options.max_aruco_features, params.use_stereo, params.histogram_method, params.fast_threshold, params.grid_x, params.grid_y, params.min_px_dist)); } else { trackFEATS = std::shared_ptr<TrackBase>(new TrackDescriptor( state->_cam_intrinsics_cameras, init_max_features, state->_options.max_aruco_features, params.use_stereo, params.histogram_method, params.fast_threshold, params.grid_x, params.grid_y, params.min_px_dist, params.knn_ratio)); } // Initialize our aruco tag extractor if (params.use_aruco) { trackARUCO = std::shared_ptr<TrackBase>(new TrackAruco(state->_cam_intrinsics_cameras, state->_options.max_aruco_features, params.use_stereo, params.histogram_method, params.downsize_aruco)); } // Initialize our state propagator propagator = std::make_shared<Propagator>(params.imu_noises, params.gravity_mag); // Our state initialize initializer = std::make_shared<ov_init::InertialInitializer>(params.init_options, trackFEATS->get_feature_database()); // Make the updater! updaterMSCKF = std::make_shared<UpdaterMSCKF>(params.msckf_options, params.featinit_options); updaterSLAM = std::make_shared<UpdaterSLAM>(params.slam_options, params.aruco_options, params.featinit_options); // If we are using zero velocity updates, then create the updater if (params.try_zupt) { updaterZUPT = std::make_shared<UpdaterZeroVelocity>(params.zupt_options, params.imu_noises, trackFEATS->get_feature_database(), propagator, params.gravity_mag, params.zupt_max_velocity, params.zupt_noise_multiplier, params.zupt_max_disparity); }
위와 같이 feature tracker 관련은 param 설정에 따라 KLT 방식의 TrackKLT 과 Descriptor 방식의 TrackDescriptor 로 나뉨. VioManager 에서는 trackFEATS 변수명으로 고정해서 사용.
후에 update 할 때도 DELAYED 와 UPDATE 를 구분해서 하는데, MSCKF 와 SLAM update 의 차이를 보다 정확히 알아야 할 필요가 있음.
// If we do not have VIO initialization, then try to initialize // TODO: Or if we are trying to reset the system, then do that here! if (!is_initialized_vio) { is_initialized_vio = try_to_initialize(message); if (!is_initialized_vio) { double time_track = (rT2 - rT1).total_microseconds() * 1e-6; PRINT_DEBUG(BLUE "[TIME]: %.4f seconds for tracking\n" RESET, time_track); return; } }
이 로직으로 어떻게 print 가 가능한 것인지
→ 처음에 나오고 똑같은 print 문에 propagation 파트에 있었음
Feature Extraction / Tracking
# our front-end feature tracking parameters# we have a KLT and descriptor based (KLT is better implemented...)use_klt: true # if true we will use KLT, otherwise use a ORB descriptor + robust matchingnum_pts: 200 # number of points (per camera) we will extract and try to trackfast_threshold: 20 # threshold for fast extraction (warning: lower threshs can be expensive)grid_x: 5 # extraction sub-grid count for horizontal direction (uniform tracking)grid_y: 5 # extraction sub-grid count for vertical direction (uniform tracking)min_px_dist: 10 # distance between features (features near each other provide less information)knn_ratio: 0.70 # descriptor knn threshold for the top two descriptor matchestrack_frequency: 21.0 # frequency we will perform feature tracking at (in frames per second / hertz)downsample_cameras: false # will downsample image in half if truenum_opencv_threads: 4 # -1: auto, 0-1: serial, >1: number of threadshistogram_method: "HISTOGRAM" # NONE, HISTOGRAM, CLAHE
void ROS1Visualizer::callback_monocular(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &msg0, int cam_id0) // Create the measurement ov_core::CameraData message; message.timestamp = cv_ptr->header.stamp.toSec(); message.sensor_ids.push_back(cam_id0); message.images.push_back(cv_ptr->image.clone()); // Load the mask if we are using it, else it is empty // TODO: in the future we should get this from external pixel segmentation if (_app->get_params().use_mask) { message.masks.push_back(_app->get_params(); } else { message.masks.push_back(cv::Mat::zeros(cv_ptr->image.rows, cv_ptr->image.cols, CV_8UC1)); } // append it to our queue of images std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(camera_queue_mtx); camera_queue.push_back(message); std::sort(camera_queue.begin(), camera_queue.end());
void TrackKLT::feed_new_camera()
void TrackKLT::feed_new_camera(const CameraData &message) { // Error check that we have all the data if (message.sensor_ids.empty() || message.sensor_ids.size() != message.images.size() || message.images.size() != message.masks.size()) { std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Preprocessing steps that we do not parallelize // NOTE: DO NOT PARALLELIZE THESE! // NOTE: These seem to be much slower if you parallelize them... rT1 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time(); size_t num_images = message.images.size(); for (size_t msg_id = 0; msg_id < num_images; msg_id++) { // Lock this data feed for this camera size_t cam_id =; std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(; // Histogram equalize cv::Mat img; if (histogram_method == HistogramMethod::HISTOGRAM) { cv::equalizeHist(, img); } else if (histogram_method == HistogramMethod::CLAHE) { double eq_clip_limit = 10.0; cv::Size eq_win_size = cv::Size(8, 8); cv::Ptr<cv::CLAHE> clahe = cv::createCLAHE(eq_clip_limit, eq_win_size); clahe->apply(, img); } else { img =; } // Extract image pyramid std::vector<cv::Mat> imgpyr; cv::buildOpticalFlowPyramid(img, imgpyr, win_size, pyr_levels); // Save! img_curr[cam_id] = img; img_pyramid_curr[cam_id] = imgpyr; } // Either call our stereo or monocular version // If we are doing binocular tracking, then we should parallize our tracking if (num_images == 1) { feed_monocular(message, 0); } else if (num_images == 2 && use_stereo) { feed_stereo(message, 0, 1); } else if (!use_stereo) { parallel_for_(cv::Range(0, (int)num_images), LambdaBody([&](const cv::Range &range) { for (int i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) { feed_monocular(message, i); } })); } else { std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }}
feed_monocular or feed_sterero
우선 extraction 은 cv::buildOpticalFlowPyramid 을 통해 우선 imgpyr 를 얻는다. 그 후에 perform_detection_monocular 로 이루어진다고 보면 됨.
std::unordered_map<size_t, std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>> pts_last; 가 비어있으면 필요한 데이터를 채움.
void TrackKLT::feed_monocular(const CameraData &message, size_t msg_id) { // Lock this data feed for this camera size_t cam_id =; std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(; // Get our image objects for this image cv::Mat img =; std::vector<cv::Mat> imgpyr =; cv::Mat mask =; rT2 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time(); // If we didn't have any successful tracks last time, just extract this time // This also handles, the tracking initalization on the first call to this extractor if (pts_last[cam_id].empty()) { // Detect new features std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> good_left; std::vector<size_t> good_ids_left; perform_detection_monocular(imgpyr, mask, good_left, good_ids_left); // Save the current image and pyramid std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lckv(mtx_last_vars); img_last[cam_id] = img; img_pyramid_last[cam_id] = imgpyr; img_mask_last[cam_id] = mask; pts_last[cam_id] = good_left; ids_last[cam_id] = good_ids_left; return; }
진짜배기는 여기에서. 즉, 맨 처음 돌 때 빼고는 보통 마지막꺼에 대해서 perform_detection_monocular 가 이루어진다고 보면 될듯.
// First we should make that the last images have enough features so we can do KLT // This will "top-off" our number of tracks so always have a constant number int pts_before_detect = (int)pts_last[cam_id].size(); auto pts_left_old = pts_last[cam_id]; auto ids_left_old = ids_last[cam_id]; perform_detection_monocular(img_pyramid_last[cam_id], img_mask_last[cam_id], pts_left_old, ids_left_old);
이걸 가지고 perform_matching 수행하여 mask_ll 과 pts_left_new 얻어옴.
// Our return success masks, and predicted new features std::vector<uchar> mask_ll; std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> pts_left_new = pts_left_old; // Lets track temporally perform_matching(img_pyramid_last[cam_id], imgpyr, pts_left_old, pts_left_new, cam_id, cam_id, mask_ll); assert(pts_left_new.size() == ids_left_old.size()); // If any of our mask is empty, that means we didn't have enough to do ransac, so just return if (mask_ll.empty()) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lckv(mtx_last_vars); img_last[cam_id] = img; img_pyramid_last[cam_id] = imgpyr; img_mask_last[cam_id] = mask; pts_last[cam_id].clear(); ids_last[cam_id].clear(); PRINT_ERROR(RED "[KLT-EXTRACTOR]: Failed to get enough points to do RANSAC, resetting.....\n" RESET); return; }
완료 후에는 good_left, good_ids_left 만 뽑아서 database 업데이트.
// Get our "good tracks" std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> good_left; std::vector<size_t> good_ids_left; // Loop through all left points for (size_t i = 0; i < pts_left_new.size(); i++) { // Ensure we do not have any bad KLT tracks (i.e., points are negative) if ( < 0 || < 0 || (int) >= img.cols || (int) >= img.rows) continue; // Check if it is in the mask // NOTE: mask has max value of 255 (white) if it should be if ((int)<uint8_t>((int), (int) > 127) continue; // If it is a good track, and also tracked from left to right if (mask_ll[i]) { good_left.push_back(pts_left_new[i]); good_ids_left.push_back(ids_left_old[i]); } } // Update our feature database, with theses new observations for (size_t i = 0; i < good_left.size(); i++) { cv::Point2f npt_l =>undistort_cv(; database->update_feature(, message.timestamp, cam_id,,, npt_l.x, npt_l.y); } // Move forward in time { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lckv(mtx_last_vars); img_last[cam_id] = img; img_pyramid_last[cam_id] = imgpyr; img_mask_last[cam_id] = mask; pts_last[cam_id] = good_left; ids_last[cam_id] = good_ids_left; }}
이렇게 하면 feature 쪽 역할은 끝. 다시 VioManager::track_image_and_update() 에서 propagate 함.
feed_stereo 에서 별도로 추가적으로 해주는 내용들 체크.
void TrackDescriptor::feed_new_camera()
는 동일하므로 생략.
void TrackDescriptor::feed_monocular()
약간 로직의 차이는 있음. Optical flow 방식은 cv::buildOpticalFlowPyramid(img, imgpyr, win_size, pyr_levels); 가 필요.
void TrackDescriptor::feed_monocular(const CameraData &message, size_t msg_id) { // Lock this data feed for this camera size_t cam_id =; std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(; // Histogram equalize cv::Mat img, mask; if (histogram_method == HistogramMethod::HISTOGRAM) { cv::equalizeHist(, img); } else if (histogram_method == HistogramMethod::CLAHE) { double eq_clip_limit = 10.0; cv::Size eq_win_size = cv::Size(8, 8); cv::Ptr<cv::CLAHE> clahe = cv::createCLAHE(eq_clip_limit, eq_win_size); clahe->apply(, img); } else { img =; } mask =; // If we are the first frame (or have lost tracking), initialize our descriptors if (pts_last.find(cam_id) == pts_last.end() || pts_last[cam_id].empty()) { std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> good_left; std::vector<size_t> good_ids_left; cv::Mat good_desc_left; perform_detection_monocular(img, mask, good_left, good_desc_left, good_ids_left); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lckv(mtx_last_vars); img_last[cam_id] = img; img_mask_last[cam_id] = mask; pts_last[cam_id] = good_left; ids_last[cam_id] = good_ids_left; desc_last[cam_id] = good_desc_left; return; }
변수명에 약간 혼동이 있을 수 있음.
KLT tracker 의 경우 perform_detection_monocular(img_pyramid_last[cam_id], img_mask_last[cam_id], pts_left_old, ids_left_old); 로 넣어서 old 변수명을 그대로 사용해서 update 하지만,
Descriptor 방식에서는 아래와 같이 받아오고, desc_new 가 추가되었음.
// Our new keypoints and descriptor for the new image std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> pts_new; cv::Mat desc_new; std::vector<size_t> ids_new; // First, extract new descriptors for this new image perform_detection_monocular(img, mask, pts_new, desc_new, ids_new);
이후 과정은 동일. robust_match 에서 하는 내용과 perform_matching 간의 차이를 보던지 하면 될듯.
어쨌든 database update 하면서 마무리.
// Our matches temporally std::vector<cv::DMatch> matches_ll; // Lets match temporally robust_match(pts_last[cam_id], pts_new, desc_last[cam_id], desc_new, cam_id, cam_id, matches_ll); // Get our "good tracks" std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> good_left; std::vector<size_t> good_ids_left; cv::Mat good_desc_left; // Count how many we have tracked from the last time int num_tracklast = 0; // Loop through all current left to right points // We want to see if any of theses have matches to the previous frame // If we have a match new->old then we want to use that ID instead of the new one for (size_t i = 0; i < pts_new.size(); i++) { // Loop through all left matches, and find the old "train" id int idll = -1; for (size_t j = 0; j < matches_ll.size(); j++) { if (matches_ll[j].trainIdx == (int)i) { idll = matches_ll[j].queryIdx; } } // Then lets replace the current ID with the old ID if found // Else just append the current feature and its unique ID good_left.push_back(pts_new[i]); good_desc_left.push_back(desc_new.row((int)i)); if (idll != -1) { good_ids_left.push_back(ids_last[cam_id][idll]); num_tracklast++; } else { good_ids_left.push_back(ids_new[i]); } } // Update our feature database, with theses new observations for (size_t i = 0; i < good_left.size(); i++) { cv::Point2f npt_l =>undistort_cv(; database->update_feature(, message.timestamp, cam_id,,, npt_l.x, npt_l.y); } // Move forward in time { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lckv(mtx_last_vars); img_last[cam_id] = img; img_mask_last[cam_id] = mask; pts_last[cam_id] = good_left; ids_last[cam_id] = good_ids_left; desc_last[cam_id] = good_desc_left; }}