Dark mode
Light mode
[Aerial Robotics] Geometry and Mechanics
[Aerial Robotics] Introduction
[Aerial Robotics] Planning and Control
[CDC '10] Geometric Tracking Control of a Quadrotor UAV on SE(3)
[CS275] 8. Deep RL with Q-Functions
[CS275] 9. Advanced Policy Gradients
[CS285] 1. Introduction - 2. Imitation Learning Part 2
[CS285] 2. Imitation Learning Part 3 ~ 3. PyTorch
[CS285] 4. Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
[CS285] 5. Policy Gradients
[CS285] 6. Actor-Critic Algorithms
[CS285] 7. Value Function Methods
[CS285] HW #1
[ICRA '21] Whole-Body Real-Time Motion Planning for Multicopters
[ICRA '23] Online Whole-body Motion Planning for Quadrotor using Multi-resolution Search
[IROS '17] Search-based Motion Planning using Linear Quadratic Minimum Time Control
[RA-L '18] Search-Based Motion Planning in SE(3)
[RA-L '21] Fast-Racing: An Open-Source Strong Baseline for SE(3) Planning in Autonomous Drone Racing
[T-Mech '24] SGS-Planner: A Skeleton-Guided Spatiotemporal Motion Planner for Flight in Constrained Space
1. Basic Mathematics of RL
2. Introduction to RL
3. Policy Gradient
4. Policy Gradient (2)
7. Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithms
9. Continuous control with deep reinforcement learning(DDPG)
acado online data
ACADO Toolkit study
ACADO Toolkit Study
Baekjoon #1152
Bang-bang and Bang-singular control
Code Review: RViz to fix slow loading on remote master
CVPR18: Workshop: Part 2: Panel: How to be a Good Citizen of the CVPR Community
Debug logging
Docker 명령어 정리
Edit your Gazebo world with Blender
faster-whisper 로 영상 자막파일 얻고 DeepL API로 번역하기
Gazebo with Livox LiDAR
How to calculate Total Thrust of iris model
How to use LaTeX in VSCode
How to use roslaunch with gdb
Ill-conditioned matrix
Implement MPCC with ACADO Toolkit
Implementing MPCC with ACADO
Install Obsidian on Ubuntu 20.04
Iterative Closest Point (ICP)
Jekyll 과 Github으로 사이트 제작하기
Khadas 절전 상태
Linux CLI Cheatseet
MkDocs and mkdocs-material
Mount Google Drive on Ubuntu 20.04
OpenVINS Study 2주차
Paper Review: PAMPC: Perception-Aware Model Predictive Control for Quadrotors
Pixhawk FC Connection to a Companion PC
Pontryagin' Minimum Principle
PX4 Code Review: global_position
PX4 SITL & Gazebo
Quasi-Newton & BFGS & L-BFGS
Recursive Bayesian Estimation
ROS callback in Class
ROS joystick control with Dual Shock 4
ROS symbol lookup error
Symbol lookup error
Transformers From Scratch
What is ConstPtr&?
귀찮을 때 보기위한 PX4-Autopilot 설치
파티션 용량 정리
Tag: VIO
Tag: VIO
1 item with this tag.
Sep 21, 2024
OpenVINS Study 2주차